Friday, June 26, 2009

New ideas!

These are some gorgeous tulips I had a few weeks ago and forgot to share....
so two posts in one day!
DD (my darling Dave) is out tonight and both kids are in bed, so I've been flitting from blog to blog getting ideas, admiring things, and generally feeling inspired to do some new work next week for the next Boutique Markets and get all my thoughts out while listening to good music and the rain falling outside.
I bought some new paper punches today and got some photos printed, so I can't wait to make up some new greeting cards. They sold really well at the last market day
so I'm keen to pursue this further.
We have school holidays for 2 weeeks now, so have had to organise every day in military precision so that each child gets a friend over, they don't spend 2 consecutive days at Vacation care (which isn't very popular in our house), my mum and dad aren't doing too much childcare and yet I still attend to my 4 jobs (the very neglected uniform shop, photography, clients weddings, market prep and that mum job!)
AND the kids get some days at home chilling out in PJ's being kids on holidays!
It is all looking good and as I'm not a morning person,
I'm looking forward to the slow mornings the most!!
I'm really looking forward to my next wedding too, it's in the same church my sister got married in and we'll do photos in the city, and the botanical gardens before the reception at the Conrad Hotel. Sometimes you just know it will be beautiful and a lovely day - this is one of them!
It will be a huge day as I also have the markets, so an early early start....then a busy day with that until I dash off to photograph the bride! If you go to the markets after lunch say hi to my mum Robyn who'll be staying on for me.
Today I covered some canvas's for the school fete - our theme this year is orange, yellow and chocolate I stuck on some patty pans for texture, wrapped fabric on some and next week I'll sketch some appliances and so a wash over the top. It was these colours that reminded me of the tulips. I will then hang them on the wall of the music room come cake stall in a Mondrian-style arrangement (yes, I will post piccies)
Was going well until the staple gun decided he wasn't going to play anymore.
I've really started to get into my new mantra of looking after ME....since last weekend up in the mountains I have said no to things I don't need to do, I've spent a day getting the house organised and have been getting to bed before 11pm! Next up I will try and get out most days for a long walk and stop eating so much chocolate!!!
A girl can dream....

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the wedding job, I hope the rain will ease too:)Congratulation for taking steps toward looking after YOU:)That inspires me to do it too...:)
