Monday, December 5, 2011

Party treats!

Thanks to the lovely Maxabella...I've fallen in love with these choc-dipped grissini sticks, 
rolled in 100's and 1000's - perfect for any party, school function, morning tea...
you name it - if you come to my house over Christmas, 
this is what will be on the menu!!!
Last week, Siena and I made some up for her year 5 break-up party...
then to think of something for the Coeliac...I was really pleased with these cones - 
gluten free crunchy noodles combined with melted chocolate, 
then placed in gluten free cones and topped with a few sprinkles!!
Excuse the late at night kitchen bench piccies...
I'd love to see then on a pretty table standing up in cute little tins wouldn't you?!!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!!! There isn't an event invented that a bit of choc and sprinkles can't make more fun. Thanks for the link back, Taryn. Completely unnecessary, of course, but most appreciated!!! x
